BACKGROUND 63 LANGUAGE ENGLISH TELESCOPE OFF WINOPEN 18 2 95 " Epic MegaGames " " Ken's Labyrinth Trilogy " " Installation Program " TELESCOPE ON SHADOW ON SPACE 1500 EXIST ~0\KEN123.PAK JUMP.NO S_KEN123 WINOPEN 13 15 31 " Do you want to install Ken's Labyrinth Trilogy? " ASK 71 16 JUMP.NO N_KEN123 DRIVE C 28 12 31 15 32 14 79 PATH \KEN 0 12 31 15 32 14 79 EXIST ~1~2 JUMP.NO Y_KEN123 WINOPEN 9 8 31 "It appears that this program may already have been installed. If it has," "then installing it again will completely overwrite the original files." "" " Do you want to go ahead and install it again? " ASK 53 12 WINCLOSE JUMP.NO N_KEN123 :Y_KEN123 UNPACK KEN123.PAK 0 12 31 32 14 95 JUMP.FAIL X EXIST ~1~2\HELPME.DOC JUMP.NO C_KEN123 WINOPEN 0 12 31 "This program has been installed on drive ~1, in directory ~2." "Please remember this drive and directory so you can start the program." "" "Would you like to view the instructions? " ASK 46 16 WINCLOSE JUMP.NO N_KEN123 VIEW ~1~2\HELPME.DOC 79 31 JUMP N_KEN123 :C_KEN123 WINOPEN 0 12 31 "This program has been installed on drive ~1, in directory ~2." "Please remember this drive and directory so you can start the program." "" " Press ENTER to continue..." WAIT 46 16 :N_KEN123 WINCLOSE :S_KEN123 WINOPEN 0 12 31 "Installation is now complete." "" "Press [Enter] to exit INSTALL." WAIT 55 15 END :X WINOPEN 0 12 79 " THE INSTALLATION PROGRAM FAILED PRIOR TO COMPLETION" "" " Possible reasons:" " -- The floppy disk was removed prior to completion" " -- The floppy disk was damaged during shipping" "" " Please try to remedy the situation. If you have received a bad disk, we" " will gladly replace it." "" WINCLOSE END